Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Carrots.  They seem like such a mundane vegetable.    What with their flowing green sprouts and happy orange color.
They scare the H-E-double-hockey-sticks out of me.
We are fresh off our FAIL of bananas in this house.  As in- she hasn't eaten them in a week and 2 days and she just started acting somewhat normally yesterday.  And by 'eaten them' I mean she had about two teaspoons worth.  I think we were really working up to a bad reaction, but knowing her signs by now, we pulled them before it got bad. 
I'll admit it.  I'm completely freaked out about another BAD reaction.  Its easy to think about it in the abstract.  You know- she'll be uncomfortable.  So I'll comfort her.  She'll poop a bazillion times (I use cloth diapers.. her skin is just as sensitive as her GI tract).  So I'll do a lot of laundry.  She won't sleep well at all and I'll be sleep deprived.   HELLO Starbucks drive-thru.  
The problem is the actual reality of it all.  Its mentally exhausting.  I used to think there was nothing worse than your baby not feeling well and you not being able to help.  Oh, how wrong I was.  Way wrong.  What's FAR worse is your baby being miserable and knowing it was the food that YOU gave them that made them that way.  [insert mommy guilt here]
So I need to start carrots, per the allergist.  I'm hoping... praying...  can we puhleeeease pass this food?  No screaming.  No mucus poop.  No sleep disturbance.  No reflux.  No vomit.  *sigh*
I think we'll start tomorrow.  I'm stressed out just thinking about it.

**** while in the middle of writing this post, my husband got up in a panic and wondered what Livvy had in her mouth.  If it was the 'wrong' thing- you know, anything other than a toy of hers, the results could be devastating if it were food.  So the calm, cool and collected mama that I am levitated off the couch and sprinted like a gazelle running for her life across the room... it was a pacifier.  Whew.


  1. Have you had any luck with the Carrots yet? Keep us posted.

  2. She got a cold, so I've delayed starting them. I need to be able to gauge a couple of things to keep an eye out for a reaction building, but a lot of it would mimic the cold in the beginning stages. I don't want to deem a food a 'fail' if it really isn't and I have high hopes for carrots...
